Fletch Rydell's Blog

Matching C Block Comments With Regular Expressions


An interesting problem was presented during my Compilers Class yesterday: write a regular expression that matches all valid C-style block comments but no other strings. To avoid extra escaping, we'll consider an alternative comment syntax with / replaced with l and * replaced with x: (lx this is a comment xl matches but lx this isn't xlxl doesn't).

My first attempt's logic was to match a comment beginning (lx) followed by anything except xl any number of times and finally xl. Inverting xl gives the regex [^x]|x[^l], for the complete regex lx([^x]|x[^l])*xl. Unfortunately, this fails to match lxxxl (or /***/ in C syntax).

The most obvious fix for this is lx([^x]|x[^l])*x+l, which (I believe) does correctly match all valid C comments. However, it also matches the string lxxxlxl (C syntax /***/*/), which is not a C comment on its own. This is ultimately due to the structure of the regex, with the (x[^l]) term consuming the character after the x.

Doing this correctly is non-obvious, and is better thought about as a state machine / nondeterministic finite automata. Thinking about it like this, we first need to match lx, and from there can match any character but x while remaining in the same state. On an x, we transition to a new state, from which x remains in the same state, l finishes the comment (and any following characters should be cause the string to be rejected), and anything else moves back to the previous state.

Diagram of an NFA matching C comments

To turn this into a regex, we can start by removing the second state. The transition from first to third is now lx[^x]*x (just the transition in, followed by zero or more transitions back to itself, and the transition out) and from third to third is x|[^xl][^x]*x (because either the new or old can be taken). Now, this can be repeated any number of times between the two forward transitions to obtain the regex lx[^x]*x(x|[^xl][^x]*x)*l, which correctly matches comments.

UPDATE: Reducing about the third state instead of the second gives lx([^x]|x+[^xl])*x+l after a bit of simplification, which is far more intuitive to me, more similar to my initial guess.